July 18, 2010

I'm back..finally

I'm back. I hope you missed me. I was off line for longer than I had planned.

In that time, various spam comments kept my blog going, so thanks heaps for those. Whoever you are!

The reason I have been away, is not a happy one. It had to do with my new project, that sadly won't be taking place now. I don't want to go any further, as I don't want my blog to turn into some whiney, woe is me rant.

But if you would like to know what happened, just email me and I'll fill you in...I'll maybe share it on here one day, but it's just too raw to do so just yet.

So back to business. We had a good holiday. It was freezing and I spent alot of the time in front of the heater in my dressing gown and slippers (for Gods sake, how old am I?)

The kids were good in the car, it was a 2/3 day trip one way so we had dvds and cds to keep them occupied.

Although the behaviour in the motels was a different matter.....I honestly thought we would get a knock on the door and a invitation to "take your feral, noisy animals (kids) outa here immediately"...

They just go crazy when we stay in motels...they like to jump on the beds and tear around. Not unlike being at home really.

We spent a day in Canberra, and froze our bits off...it was so cold there. We went to the Australian War Memorial and of course my camera batteries were flat so I couldn't take any photos.

Except for one, and all I asked the kids was to pose for a really nice photo in front of a very important building.

And this is what I got:-


Mrs Woog said...

that photo is GOLD! I loved it. Bummer about your defunct project - but you never know! I am going to email you to get the details........ just the nosey in me. Glad you are Back! xo

Toni said...

Yes, I have a boy just like that one!

Kakka said...

Hope you are okay, cyberhugs from me to you. xxx

Love visiting Canberra and the War Memorial is awesome (although I always cry). Love the photo of the kids. I think you are brave travelling with little ones.

Confessions of a Closet Hoarder but you can call me Judy said...

Oh..the picture is cute!

Sorry to hear your project didn't pan out.

Diminishing Lucy said...

Nice to see you back........

Olive said...

Nice to see you are back...........we missed you.

Posh Totty said...

Welcome back ... my son is the master at that pose too lol.

Jo said...

I was wondering when you were getting back?? Good to see you again.

Hugs and my thoughts with you - hope everything is okay luvee...

If you need to let of steam/thoughts you are welcome to chat with me... email: houseofmurray@bigblue.net.au

Take care,

Jo xx

Ms. G said...

Glad you're back. I'm so sorry you have had a disappointment. I won't pry but feel free to share if you need a vent : )

SK said...

Welcome back!

Nicole said...

What bebes. x

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