2011 has gone so fast...I think as I get older the days and weeks go faster.
Which is kind of sad......
The kids go back to school in 3 weeks, didn't we just have Christmas?
I do love the end of the year, in some ways though.....it's a time of clearing out the fluff of the past year, of tying up loose ends neatly, and starting afresh in the new year.
I can remember feeling this way, this time last year.
I had alot of things I wanted to achieve..and unfortunately I am still seeking them.
We hoped we would be living in our house, we are closer, yes, but still have a little more to do.
And I remember posting about wanting to get back into health and fitness, which I did for one week until I seriously hurt my back.
These two goals are still very important to me....and beginning tommorrow I plan to focus on the fitness goal.
I have the Digital Parents Conference in Melbourne in March, and I want to be looking and feeling my best then. What a fantastic goal to strive towards.
It's so strange that I posted the exact same thing, last year, but the thing that gives me motivation is remembering how I looked and felt before we moved to the Farm and I was a total gym junkie......I loved it.

We have a gym opening right next door to my office, in January or February and I am so excited. One of the reasons why I stopped working out, was because we live out of town and I have to travel half an hour to get anywhere with a gym.
On my days off, I don't want to drive into town, and when I hurt my back, that basically stopped all exercise. So I haven't had a very good year in that respect.
But I know that I want to get fit again, lose some weight and strengthen my core muscles to support my back - if I don't do this, surgery may not be a choice but a definite.
And I don't want to go.....there......
So here's to a great 2012...with your dreams and mine coming true ♥ Thank you for supporting my little blog this year, I love every one of you.....
To finish my last post of 2011, in true Farmers Wifey fashion, I'll share some of my tweets.
I hope they make you smile ♥
Made the ultimate mummy sacrifice and took my daughter to the school disco instead of watching Greys Anatomy..oh the humanity...
Just vacumned the shed.
Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....(don't look at me, I have no idea what this means?)
Had 4 baby guinea fowl escape from Alcatraz this morning, dug out of the cage. I'm calling one Clint Eastwood.
Post about cows. Only on Farmers Wifey.
Just looking at a picture of Brian McFadden pisses me off.
Gaga is a poor man's Madonna.
No bread here. I knew I should have asked for a breadmaker for Christmas.
I got a speeding ticket while 9 months pregnant and getting pizza.
Everytime I mention Justin Bieber my 5 year old blushes.
Santa underestimated the amount of wrapping paper needed and is compensating with computer paper.
We had a little spider and a frog in the shower, and my five yr old says wow we have wild animals in there.
Just bleached the kitchen.
I want my house finished so I can move out of the GODDAMN shed!
Goodness shoulder pads are in everyones closets. I'll send some of my mega 80's ones..
Just had a quite word to the post office lady, STOP BENDING MY FUCKING MAIL AND STUFFING IT IN THE POSTBOX. Now I have a bent calendar.
AHHHHHHHHH blardy husbands.
Holy crap.
Say effing what?
Gotta finish the housework so I can watch Dr Phil.
Impressed that son was dressed and ready for school at 6.30 am until I realised he's slept in his clothes.
Does wine help a sore throat?
I emptied the bins at work yesterday therefore I am the office bitch.
Over two years living in our shed while we build the house. Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
Just told my daughter not to cry over spilt milk. I'll just cry over my freshly washed tablecloth.
I hate this working two days in a row crap. I like being lazy at home.
Wish I had Nanny McPhees stick.
Came to work today for a rest.
Cried at a kids movie, daughter just rolled her eyes at me.
Why do I stay up late and drink wine when I'm so tired and should go to bed?
My 7 year old son just said to me "I need a moment" WTF?
I'm a slave to social media.
Made cupcakes with the kids, and now having a Mersyndol for the headache.
Just went walking with a friend in the rain and the mud..now my shoes are on the clothesline and I'm eating a muffin.
Happy New Year!

1. What was the movie you cried in?
2. Does your daughter still like the Biebs?
3.I don't actually know what you do for work?
4.Dr Phil is still ON?
5.Agree with you about Gaga. Though kind of over Madonna too.
6.What did your husband do?
7.I'll remember that in 2011 I 'met' you and some other amazing bloggers!
Xxxx Can't wait til you're in your dream house. I hope 2012 is wonderful, and that in just 3 short months we'll get to have a hug!
Happy New Year! Love those tweets. And all th posts about wildlife.
Well, let me think about these.....
1 The movie was called UP......
2 Miss T adores Justin B.....just saying....
3 I'm a Property Investment Manager Extraordinaire.....
4 Oh yes, he's on at midday!!!!
5 Now I'll have to take this one back,because I kind of like Gaga..
6 The Hubbster could have done a variety of things...:)
7 Absolutely ditt xxxx
Love this post Michelle we had the same goals for 2011 & still have them for 2012, LOL!!! My house hasnt even begun construction & who knows when it will :( & my fitness regime was held back by lame excuses ;) so I will be able to compare progress.
YAY for 2012!!!
Hee hee.
Don't you dare entice me toward Twitter.
I truly hope you realise those goals this year - and have a ball doing so.
:-) x
@ Trish, I'm glad I can count on you to compare goals with, and I can't wait to follow you on your house progress!!!!!!!1
@ Mum, cmon, enter the darkside of twitter :)
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