Imagine that, our first Christmas in our new home, after spending the last four in the shed.
Our first Christmas tree in four years, because I've refused to put one up in the shed.
I'm so looking forward to it......
We have a final finish date and that is October 20th. So we have 13 weeks to finish the plumbing, the electrical, the floor sanding and a few bits and pieces.
We are finally at the end of our owner building experience and this is really the hardest part. We are so close, but it still seems so far away.
I am a bit stressed at the moment, I feel a little impatient, I just want to move in and get organised, and unpack my lovely things.
Along with my sons unresolved medical issues, I'm feeling quite fragile and emotional. We have to go back to Brisbane in two weeks for one final test, so hopefully we will get some answers then and can move forward.
The Hubbster has been working very hard and has installed all of the light fittings, ceiling fans, smoke detectors and light switches. He's starting on the power points tomorrow.
Today I sorted out a huge pile of cardboard and plastic from our fixtures and fittings, and gave the house a good sweep out.
We then sat on the deck and watched the kids play while enjoying the sunset.

I am feeling your excitement. Your home looks lovely! I love that wide corridor in particular. I hope your testvresultscare positive and will be keeping my fingers crossed for the best christmascever. You all deserve it! G. X
How many times in the past four years have you heard/read 'hang in there'?
And that you have.
It won't be too long until your hard work and (amazing) patience pays off.
I can't wait to see that unfold.
I absolutely understand that underlying, ever-present concern/anxiety lurking under every part of your day (or night)at the moment.
Lingering, worrying, unresolved health issues - particularly those of our kids - have a sneaky way of hnaging out in the background - even when we're not fully aware of it.
I really feel for you.
Soon you will be able to sit on that beautiful verandah, looking at that gorgeous view and breathe and relax. It will all be done. Your patience will be rewarded and there will be many, many happy years ahead.
Will keep you and your family in my thoughts, sending lots of light and love your way.
Hugs from Perth xxx
I am liking all the pretty details and the wide hallway! Can't wait to see it all done- the last little bit always seems to take the longest!
The house is looking great! You will be in and enjoying it before you know it and will even start fondly remembering the shed on occasion(as unlikely as it sounds now!).
Thanks ladies, I know I will miss the shed (kind of), we have had alot of fun memories, that's for sure. But bring on the house!!
It looks wonderful. How exciting that it is almost done.
Here's hoping that everything goes without a hitch from here on.
I'm in love with that image of the light coming in and striping the hallway.
October will be here before you know it! The house is looking fab, and I am seriously coveting your entry way! The light pouring through there is beautiful.
Oh I love the hallway as well!!
Love the colour of the walls. Wow how exciting for you and your family.
Oh Mkchelle, so near and not as far as it was! Love how the house is coming together. The hallway is so beautiful. But I can understand that getting to know about your son's health is top priority. Hope it is all worked out soon. You are wonderfully patient. Xxx
Oh Mkchelle, so near and not as far as it was! Love how the house is coming together. The hallway is so beautiful. But I can understand that getting to know about your son's health is top priority. Hope it is all worked out soon. You are wonderfully patient. Xxx
Well a fixed date is good, something to work towards. I always feel better if I have a bit of direction, though I know you have been working on this house forever, so 13 weeks probably still seems a while off.
Hope you're ok and you receive some answers for your son very soon too. Hugs xo
Oh Mkchelle, so near and not as far as it was! Love how the house is coming together. The hallway is so beautiful. But I can understand that getting to know about your son's health is top priority. Hope it is all worked out soon. You are wonderfully patient. Xxx
Oh Mkchelle, so near and not as far as it was! Love how the house is coming together. The hallway is so beautiful. But I can understand that getting to know about your son's health is top priority. Hope it is all worked out soon. You are wonderfully patient. Xxx
Thank you so much xo one step and breath at a time xo
I'm just a new blog reader and I love hearing about how other women cope with the day to day things. You sound very grounded, and I love that you don't mind being vulnerable telling things like they are.
I pray that all goes well for your son and that you are able to forge a way forward with him.
Your new house looks delightful. I was in a similar position as a young mum on a sugar cane farm, living in an old house for 7 years until we built our home. I used to think I'd always be looking back at our old place but once we moved I never gave a backward glance!
Here's to a great future for you and your lovely family.
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