4.) I picked up the phone and I could not believe what I was hearing...
I wanted to bring to you a previous post, that does concern a phone call when we were trying to get some building quotes for our house. It's just too hard to resist, and the phone call I am referring to is in bold type.
Enjoy and be aware there is some swearing involved!
Monday July 6 2009
I decided to ring around today to get 2 more building quotes for our house. Now we absolutely love the builder who is quoting at present. He is positive, enthusiastic, smart and knows his stuff, and has experience on his side. And the best thing is he wants the job. But we need to do the correct thing and get our 3 quotes to compare prices.
I am really hoping our builder of choice comes through for us, because we would feel so comfortable with him working for us. There are pages and pages of builders and they are all (mostly) looking for work, and that is a great thing for us. Hopefully it will bring the prices down.
So I am irritated and dumbfounded at what happened today, just trying to get these building quotes. Read on:-
Builder 1 - didn't bother to return my call...
Builder 2 - completely negative, can't make it out to look til the weekend, can I ring him back then. Says he is familiar with the build up to now and doesn't really think nails will go into the hardwood, could be a bit difficult. WTF this means I have no idea... I could literally feel his nose screwing up on the other side of the phone line...
Builder 3 - this one is a doozy.. so I need to write word for word. I'm having a glass of wine just to calm myself down. Yes, it's THAT GOOD..
me: hello, I saw your add (yes they advertised for work) in the paper looking for building work and I was wondering if you are interested in quoting on a build to lock up. The house has already been started, up to bearers and joists and is all inspected and approved. We have our plans in at council now...
her: right, so the house has already been started? That's unusual
me: yes it has been started, the previous owner was owner builder as are we but we want a builder to build to lock up only
her: well, who has built what is already there?
me: why do you want to know that at this stage, I'm only seeing if you are interested?
her: well we need to know that
me: why do you need to know that since I am only phoning to see if you are interested in quoting?
her: well, Stephen will want to know, he won't touch a lemon
me: feeling some steam rising from my ears..
me: how do you know it is a lemon, you haven't even seen the build?
her: well how do you know it's not? Just because it is council approved doesn't mean it's not a lemon
me: don't worry about it, I can feel alot of negativity here, goodbye.
her: foutw cghwervy wsherpivwch eivwutchec tepiotehce as I hung up the phone in her ear.
The nerve of this woman, how dare she call my house a lemon without even seeing it. All I got from this phone call was negativity, and a smart arse reply from someone who advertised for work then is completely rude on the phone. No wonder this bitch and her probably long suffering husband are having to advertise for work. Fuck.

What a douche! Good luck in your search!
Did you end up with your original choice of builder?
I can't believe she was such a b****!
Did you get your choice of builder?
Found you at Mama Kat's
What is the deal with customer service these days.
My word. =)
Good thing the economy is booming and builders are soooo busy that they can turn down work!
Wouldn't they want to come over and at least LOOK at it?
Good thing you hung up!
OMG...LMAO! What a B****. I agree...what nerve. Apparently they don't need a job THAT bad. Good for you for hanging up on her.
Visiting from Mama Kat's!
I thought maybe you were going to extol the lack of virtue of the old party lines in rural areas. You know the one where you and 5 of your favorite friends and enemies all had the same line and only a distinctive ring to tell who the call was for. You know, the one where when you picked up to dial you often found yourself listening to the neighbor dishing dirt on someone you knew. Yeah, that one
BTW, I can understand asking who was the original builder. There are some people that no one sane in the trade wants to come in after. So the lady may not have been diplomatic, but she was probably hoping to save both of a bit of time by asking the obvious.
I would have hung on that jerk too!
That's terrible! Can't believe her!!!
Nice. Some people. And what did that other guy mean he didn't think nails would go through the wood? What? Since when won't nails go through wood.
And since you are bringing all this up- how is the house going? Any new picts yet?
Yikes! Love those local contractors! Their like a box of chocolates ...
i completely get what you mean. We still haven't gotten our electric done it's literally waiting on like 3 outlets that technically my hubby could put in but the town wants a licenced guy. So we have been waiting almost 3 years to get it finished. At least it's live able but the same guy who started the project has to finish it or you have to go for a hearing as to why he can't. ugggg I hope you were able to find a good builder.
Good for you for letting her know about the negativity! What a bitch!
Seriously! The nerve of some people...you should call back and ask for management. I bet the guy would be pretty irritated with lost business in such a way...especially in todays market.
Wow. All I can say is Wow. What a sodjfsdohfsdohfs (bad words). If it makes you feel any better, builders are just as difficult in the states as they are there. I feel like for every birthing story I have heard, there have been two more building stories which are more of a nighmare! I agree that you should write a letter!
Well the egg is on her face now, because we used our preferred builder, he is awesome...and if only she could see what her husband missed out on building..and the dollar signs too!
that is PRECISELY what is wrong with businesses today. NO CUSTOMER SERVICE! Hope it all works out for you.
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