I love blogs about design and decorating, home improvement, home renovation and anything country of course!
There is so much to look at online, but I have a few favourites that I'd love to share with you today.
Fun and VJs
Lots of fun, decorating and design, with plenty of humour thrown in. Just what I like.
And because this family is renovating their Queenslander,
I am especially drawn to it, as we are building our own modern Queenslander. We can all appreciate the beauty of Vertical Join Wall Lining!
Desire Empire I've only recently discovered this blog and there is much to love!
Full of style and beautiful photos, Carolyn is passionate about what she does and it shows.
Beachy pics, gorgeous flowers and table settings...it's all so delicious!
A Country Farmhouse Well the name says it all..you can see why I adore this blog!
Classically beautiful to look at, with the most gorgeous photos of their country house.
I love reading about Trina and sharing her passion for old houses and a simple but healthy life.
The House That A-M Built Kitchens, porches, gorgeous little nooks to sit and read, and a wonderful online shop featuring lighting that I just adore!
I am such a visual person, and I can sit with my cup of tea and just gaze at the images on this blog, and dream.....and be inspired.
I'd love you to check out these blogs and fall in love with them as I have done.
Do YOU have any favourites you'd care to share??

I am the same....I love checking out all different types of blogs from craft through to general everyday living. For 6 years since I've been a stay at home mum, I've been connecting with the like minded via the net. Especially helpful since we've moved a lot - doesn't matter where you live on the internet :)
How/Where do you keep your blogs-to-read list handy? I use iGoogle to keep updated. Is there a better way? I can only see limited titles in one screen this way and would like to expand - I'm a bit lazy otherwise.
If you like design check out the36thavenue - it's by Desiree and she has some really beautiful things on there.
Thank you for sharing - I will check your tips out.
I'll be sure to have a look at that blog you suggested, thank you so much! I try to keep up to date with blogs in my reader, but I follow so many and love so many blogs it's hard....
I do have my favourites, I'm trying to update my blog roll so I can check in there....xo
bloody hell michelle .. like i spend wuhhaayyyy too much time on the net as it is looking at housey blogs etc ... geeebus ....... umm thanks tho :o)
lol are they not divine blogs!!!! Grab your cup of tea and relax a while xo
I LOVE house porn blogs - thanks for sharing xx
House porn is the BEST porn, I knew you'd approve Mrs W xo
I love looking at interior design and what others do with their houses. It's always inspiring! :-)
I agree, I also love being inspired by these beautiful images x
Thanks so much Michelle for the shout out. Seems I'm in good company here and I'll head on over and check out the others you recommend
OMG! I love the look of A Country Farmhouse. The colours, the way the place is decorated. Thanks for sharing these blogs Michelle!
@ Carolyn, I seriously am so happy I found you and your blog xoxo
@ Norlin...isn't it divine..aren't they all so delicious lol xo
Oh my, I AM in LOVE with those images. Our plan is to move into our own house on our own farm, currently we lease land for our goat farm and we travel to and fro on a daily basis to care for them. Well, mainly to repair fences. We all know goats love to defeat us and jump our fences right? I shall return.
Hi Cazzie, thanks for visiting, and I look forward to reading your own journey on your farm to be!!
Thanks a million for the shout out. Love you long time. xx
going over to visit the first blog you mentioned,
But love the other three and follow them!
Thanks for dropping by!
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