Innovation, collaboration, inspiration and celebration collide for one great week every three years in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia.
Last week, The Hubbster and I had the pleasure of attending Beef Australia 2012.
Just us and about 75 000 of our closest friends!
This 3 yearly event is Australias premier beef cattle expo, attracting not only local and interstate visitors, but worldwide guests, coming to see just how it is done! I'd love you to read all about it here.
Cattle competitions and displays, a genetics conference, a huge trade fair, fashion parades, cooking demonstrations showing the right way to cook beef and so much more keeps everyone busy during this week long event.
If you are a serious contender, I'd suggest leaving them at home.
We did.
Although children were very well catered for with various areas "just for kids" and a fun train that threatened to run me down several times, we decided not to take them and it was the best decision ever.
The Hubbster and I had hours to peruse the various cattle varieties without a "where's the jumping castle" or an "I'm hungry/bored/tired/hot" comment.
Cattle Crush
We had a running gag all day because everywhere we looked there was a Cattle Crush.
I'm happy to present a various selection of these from the basic to the amazing.

Hamburgers, Beefburgers, Steakburgers. Too bad if you were a vegetarian.
Ahh the babies. The little calves. My favourite of course!
The fashion of the day was blue jeans and a hat. I wore my Akubra and I looked awesome!
As soon as The Money Pit is finished and we are living in our house, we are going to buy some cattle.
Just so we feel like real farmers.
We are interested in the Low Line Breed, and there was plenty to be seen at Beef Australia.
Here's a selection of various moo cows we made friends with!

I love cows too :) We are in country vic and there is an amazing farm nearby that has Belted Galloway's. They are my favourite looking. A big white belt around their middle. This farm uses the cow head to toe, including selling their hides. I love when people have full respect for the animals.
I agree..we want some cattle to eat our grass and to have for the kids...that's why Low Lines are at the top of the list..they are smaller and very placid xo
Thanks Michelle I'm marking it on the calendar for 2015 . It looks like a lot of fun and educational.
We only have a little Angus herd of 11 heifers and 1 calf ,plus a borrowed lazy bull. We need a new crush , we lost one heifer to the previous owners bogey one :(.
One day ...
I have always had a soft spot for cows, especially calves, love their big eyes. Unfortunately I married a sheep farmer, not a single cow in sight.
@ Trish, it was really good and yes, quite educational!
@ Nat, I come from a sheep farming community so it's nice to see cattle for a change!!
What? No pictures of cow sex toys?
I really like cows. It must have been fun to see so many varieties!
There are so many breeds and they are really quite sweet..ahhh the little calves xo
Yep - definitely get the one in the tutu. ;-)
I thought YOU'D like that one..she wasn't mooing for some reason....:))
I know very little about cows. Some are for milking, others are for eating. I know how to cook a fillet steak so it's browned outside and tender/juicy inside; I know that a blade roast is perfect for potroasting.
That is all.
Did the hamburgers have actual ham in them? Because if not, then aren't they just beefburgers with another name?
Ooo i think the 'food' and 'babies' sounded best! So cute!
Ooo i think the 'food' and 'babies' sounded best! So cute!
Love talking about cows xo
Darn - you could have had a blogging meet up with my sister ( - she (and my mum and dad and her husband) had a display for their Brangus - there was a World Congress that she helped organise as well - but she had a couch area and her kids were old hands there having a ball (most of the children from the little school they go to were in attendance also!)
Glad you had a good time.
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