The other reason I have been slack about my blog is that we used up our allocated net hours and our speed slowed down to dial up. Which in itself is truly painful and not worth switching the damn machine on.
So I apologise to the blogs I follow for being absent, and I will check out whats been happening in your world post haste! I thought I would do a variation to Blog Fart Friday. This is when you can post little snippets about different things, without each having it's own post. Well I think that's what it means. And today is not Friday. Anyway I ramble, read on:-
* A pigeon has made us his new family. He arrived last week and is very tame, with blue and red tags on his legs. He is obviously a racing or a homing pigeon and I don't know what the hell the difference is. Only that he is very friendly and likes his morning bird seed in the same place.

* The Hubbster exploded something in the microwave last week, and guess who has to clean it? Yep, me the slave of the family...
* The builder just came out to show his wife around the property, and as always when we have visitors, the kids decide to run amok. Miss T (aged 4) ate the top off the brand new chocolate chip butter cake. Possibly after patting the dog. It was funny the first time she did this, but The Hubbster won't be amused when he gets home from work. It was his cake...
* I'm starting gym again this week. I began walking last week around the property as I want to be in some sort of shape for summer. I felt so good last year when I was a gym junkie, so I guess this popcorn I am shovelling into my mouth, and the hot chips I just ate for lunch will be the last..
* My sons football team won again yesterday. Still undefeated. The score was 14 to 0, and I really felt sorry for the little boys on the other team. If they could have scored a try or two it would have been wonderful. We kept cheering them on when they tackled our guys too, as they are only under 7's and it's all about being positive and having a go. My son scored his 5th try and did numerous big tackles. He is on fire this year...
* The chooks have started laying again. It musn't now be too cold for them to sit their bums on the hay.....
* Our beagle has taken to barking for no reason at 5pm each afternoon. So we let her off the lead because it is irritating and off she goes for the night. I get so worried that she will get lost/eaten by a dingo/bitten by a snake/won't come back, but there she is every morning snuggled in her warm bed. And she is so tired from chasing rabbits, she can barely open her eyes. She is having the time of her life, in the last days of her life.....
* Supernatural finishes tommorrow night, and I am a bit sad about that. It will give me more time to read/blog.....
* Our truck is in hospital. Kinda has something to do with the fact I boiled it dry a few weeks ago, something The Hubbster loves to tell his mates about. He doesn't, however, tell them that the reason it boiled dry was a split in the hose which caused massive water loss. It's a guy thing.

Wow, this is a random post! Love your new pet!
Ewwwww, dial up speed! That's HORRIFYING! Hang in there.
Path to Health
Dial up? That's horrible!!
The pigeon is awesome, we had one fly into the window at work but after a few days he did okay!
Good luck with the you said....just in time for summer!
hee hee M.....nice to know you listen to me!!!
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