2) Describe yourself in five words. Choose one, and write a poem.
1. Mother
2. Tired
3. Stressed
4. Grateful
5. Blessed
The words above are my poem:-
Tired, stressed
I'm tired all the time. I have bags under my eyes, kindly pointed out to me by my son as told here. I should go to bed earlier but I'm a nightowl and I cannot change...
I feel stressed alot of the time. Most of it is self inflicted because I let things get to me. I have a bad case of motherguilt, especially when I have my period because I turn into an unreasonable crazy witch and I compare myself to others......
There are days when I can't even believe I am a mother and I have 3 children. I look at them and really wonder how on earth they came to me..
I am so grateful to be given this chance, and to have these children to look over.
I feel so blessed that these three little birds call me mama...

Please vote for me on Babbles Top 50 Bloggers...I'm on the home stretch now and I'd really appreciate your vote! I'm on page 1....kisses in advance.....

I can understand how tired one can get as a mother of 3 too.. I too am trying to sleep earlier but there are 101 stuff to do before the kids sleep. It also does not help that my 3mth old wakes x4 each night to nurse.
Thanks for stopping by my site.
I think you picked 5 very apt words. Kids will always say the most brutally honest things but also the most heart wrenching ones too x
Well... if you compare to me... you'd probably GLOW!! LOL!! Bipolar can be ugly, but I do medicate and try to contain it. ;p I try to hide the roller coaster in my mind. I, too am a night owl and over stress. I guess that would be a given...
Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you enjoyed the pix!
Oh, mom guilt! It plagues the best of us. Give yourself a break, we all deserve one. That's what I hear anyway:)
I think you picked one of the harder prompts - and you did a great job with it! I can relate to all of that - the fatigue mixed in with the indescribable gratitude for the gift of parenting. Well said! I gave you a thumbs up on the voting site!
I only have one 2 1/2 year old, and I'm always tired too! But yes, blessed as well. Mommyhood is a really difficult but rewarding job.
Thx for coming by 3MomsIn1 today! Happy Thursday.
Is Mother not synonymous with guilt? You have to take care of yourself first.
Isn't that funny....sometimes I look at my kids too and I'm amazed that I am a mother. 15 years later even!
I tend to always wonder how I got here. I don't feel old enough to have kids or to be playing this role of "grown up" and "Mommy".
I look at JDaniel and wonder how I got to be so blessed! He will than ususally do something that drives me nuts, but I do love those moments.
Girl, I am so tired that I an actually commenting in my sleep. I have learned to sleep do things all over the house. ;)
That is an absolutely perfect poem. You said it all in 5 words.
ditto! that is all I have to say! Naomi x
Yes being mummy is tiring... hope you find some time to rest over Christmas.
Cute poem
You did pick a hard one! Your five words are perfectly fitting for how most mothers probably feel every day, I know I do!
Perfect way to use the prompt! Great poem and explanation.
Aren't we all kinda crazy during our periods? Don't be too hard on yourself!
Love it! and can so so sooo relate to this one...I am also guilty of mother guilt ;)
Thanks for stopping by!
even though you are stressed, all those words are good words to be!
Love it!!! I wanted to pick this prompt, but I didn't think I could write a poem. You picked the perfect words! I can so relate, and I'm only a mother to one! I am ALWAYS tired and stressed, but like you said, I am also very grateful and blessed to have my child in my life.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Have a wonderful week!
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