September 29, 2010

Reality Blogging

I am excited to participate in a meme hosted by Bad Mummy about reality blogging.

It's all about, you know, the "real" face behind the glitz, the glamour and the perfection of blogging..

I am proud and slightly frustrated to bring you my reality of blogging....

As some of you know, we are living in a shed...while building our dream home. Our living arrangements are crappy at best...a big shed, with temporary dongas as accommodation while we build this:-

My reality is, we are living next to this beautiful unfinished Money Pit, and we get to look at it every day.

My reality is, my shed and dongas look like this:

My reality is that we get wet if it's raining and we have to go to the bathroom.

My reality is that we sit eating dinner in the shed and count the number of frogs that hop across the cement floor.

My reality is that everything is dusty, my things are packed away in storage and we only have one cup and one plate for each family member....we are living simply until it's time to unpack our goodies in our new home......

My reality is that the kids can ride their bikes and play basketball in the shed and there is plenty of room for them to play.

My reality is that we all sleep in the same room, which does nothing for our sex life.

My reality is that I never thought I could do live like this, while having a dream and working towards it...

We have grown closer as a family, and will appreciate our beautiful new home......when we finally finish it.

September 26, 2010

End of the Day

We finished our day, and our weekend like this.

How did you finish yours?....

September 24, 2010

Random Post, because I want to

I have so much random shit going on in my mind, I thought it was time for another Random Spandom post, or the Post where you write down all the stuff that doesn't deserve a post of it's own. That totally doesn't make sense, but it's late and I've had two wines.

First up, the Eisteddfod is over (thank you Lord) and we had a very successful first time. A rundown:

Groups Day - 4 firsts and 1 second......and a can of hairspray and nearly a tub of glitter later.

Solos - Miss D came 2nd in Jazz, and received a Highly Commended in Jazz Interperative. She is very very happy and so am I.........

It's school holidays and guess what? It's been raining.... all peculiar??

And still on that subject, this week The Hubbster took holidays and we hired scaffolding to finish painting the exterior of The Money Pit. Have you seen this weeks' forecast? No, well I'll tell you what it is - rain, thunderstorms, fucking more rain, due to clear up the day he goes back to work.

Can you see any painting getting done? Can you see Farmers Wifey grinding her teeth through sheer frustration? Can you ever see us moving into the house as we just can't seem to get it done??

Last night I discovered something amazing. Something akin to near bliss. I realised that because I now have a laptop, if I have a scenario where The Hubbster is watching the footy on the big tv, the kids are watching a crappy Disney movie on the small tv, I can use my daughters Ipod headphones, plug them into my laptop, climb into my warm bed (usually with a snuggly 3rd child sound asleep there) and watch a dvd of my choice while drinking wine. In bed. Warm and snuggly. In bed. With wine. Can you believe it?

I never even thought about this before. I always thought beds were for sleeping in and for being trashed by the kids or even for trampoling on (kids again). See I don't ask for much and this little realisation has made me very happy.

On a bright note to finish, the chooks have started laying again. I think they saw the axe and realised that I am not feeding them for free. We had bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning, the first time in ages because I refuse to buy eggs when I have lazy arse chooks who think they are living in a resort.

September 20, 2010

Proud mummy moment

2nd place goes to...competitor number 10!!!

And with these words, my heart stopped and I nearly jumped out of my seat!

Miss D came second out of a hotly contested field of 15, today, in her Jazz section of the Eisteddfod. Her first solo.

She danced brilliantly..even when she had finished her routine I was so proud because she danced with the most amazing energy. She smiled and looked straight at the adjudicator...and the best thing of all was that she had so much fun!

Coming second was really a bonus, I tried to drill into her that the most important thing is for her to enjoy herself.....

And I was so happy for her....with the most intense feelings of love and devotion and pride that only a Mother can truly understand....

I wanted her to have this moment, this happiness, I'd give her anything if I could..

The Hubbster who saw the performance today jokingly just said:

"I know why she won today"..." Because I had my lucky red underpants on".......

To which I replied...

"Well wear them tommorrow."

"And wear them on Wednesday too......."

September 19, 2010

Great news today

Miss D and I survived Eisteddfod Groups Day was a huge success. Shall post photos soon, but a quick rundown of results are:

Ballet - 1st place

Contempory - 1st place

National = 1st place

Jazz - 2nd place and

Cabaret - 1st I proud much?? You bet!!!!

Today I have some exciting news. The Aussie Bloggers Conference is happening....It is the first ever blogging conference focusing on the mum, parenting and personal blogging communities of Australia!

Of course I am going....I have airfares to book, accomodation to book, my conference ticket to organise and I have to tell my husband!!

Actually The Hubbster knows I am going (March 2011) so I have given him enough time to get used to the idea of feeding and clothing the kids for a weekend while I'm away!

I am very excited and I am looking forward to meeting these amazing women who share my passion for blogging......did I mention the dinner and dance (and alcohol) after the conference and the view of Sydney Harbour from my hotel room??

Am I excited much?

September 17, 2010


I'm so friggin tired I could sleep standing up. Days of dance rehearsal, days of ferrying the kids around late into the evening have taken their toll and it's only practice week!

It will be worth it, of course, on the day. On the "days" actually because we have performances Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

I swear next week, we will sleep in til late, go to the park, eat popcorn at the movies and enjoy the school holidays.

After the Eisteddfod!

I don't know what's going on, but we have mosquitoes the size of small cows here at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually carried my 5 year old away, in their little mosquito arms....back to their mosquito headquarters....

I swatted one in the car today and blood squirted literally squirted out....and it hadn't even landed on me so who's fucking blood is all over my car door??

As we are living in a shed while The Money Pit is being built (by us/The Hubbster and Farmers Wifey/magnificent owner builders..), we have to walk through the shed to get into each self contained room ie kitchen, loungeroom, bedroom etc....'

Can you imagine what it's like.....

Farmers Wifey "right kids, I"ll count to three then I'll quickly open the door and you all run in really fast so the mosquitoes as big as small cows don't come in too"...

Three kids "mum, you're an idiot".

Farmers Wifey " I'm a tired idiot".

September 14, 2010

Take a breath Farmers Wifey

Could my life get much busier? I could always get a full time job and then I'd be completely screwed.

I thought I'd bring you my "two weeks of hell on a stick that I should be enjoying" or "stuff that makes me drink too much wine" just to prove how busy I am.

I'll post in point form and remember people - some on this list I have done, some I have yet to do, and some I have done three times.

I'll date it from last Wed to next Wed which should be two weeks, which sounds like it's only one week but it's really two if you read the fine print...

football training


play practice for Miss D's musical

dress rehearsal for Miss D's musical

3 kids dental appointment

last game of football for Mr C

football presentation

apply, remove and apply nail polish to both daughters nails

embarass Miss D (aged 9) on numerous occasions by actually doing nothing

drink wine on the deck of The Money Pit with The Hubbster watching the sunset

threaten Miss D if she doesn't put her hat on at the football presentation, I will stand next to her at the jumping castle (see above re embarrass)

have sex with The Hubbster

chase dressmaker re Miss D's new dance costume

run around at the last minute to buy a present for a kids birthday party

break up numerous fights between the kids involving blocks, barbies and basketball

second visit back to the dentist for one kid to have 2 small fillings (oh the horror)

attend Miss D's school musical

refuse to pay $50.00 for a flimsy, fluffy hair and makeup box for the Eisteddfod, and instead buy a $20.00 fishing tackle box that is perfect, and pat myself on the back for thinking outside the square

go to a kids birthday party

treatment on Miss D's bum length hair so I can actually get a comb through it

take Mr C to Auskick

realise he's obsessed with football

kid wrangle 3 kids while sorting out dance costumes at the dance shop

have sex with The Hubbster as we forgot before

attend one kids' school Environmental Display

carry a dead chicken up the back of the property and throw it onto an ant hill

have a mammogram

walk the boundary of the property with The Hubbster in the middle of the day (for exercise (torture)) and sweat my arse off

sew straps on two dance leotards

play Barbies on the floor with the girls and sulk when I have to be the maid (reflection of daily life perhaps?)

sew snowflakes on organza

get my period

remove lightening bolts from lycra leggings *sigh*

go to work

threaten the chooks with the axe if they don't start laying

find one egg the next day

finally return overdue dvds and paid the big fine of $2.60

realise that's a better amount than my last overdue fine of $154 (clerical error)

coordinate 10 different dance costumes

coordinate 10 different lots of accessories including hair stuff, shoes, stockings, makeup, arm bands and hair ribbons

coordinate 3 noisy kids while coordinating the above

try not to stress at the Eisteddfod during the 10 performances Miss D will be dancing in..........

hug, kiss and tell my kids how much I love them every day.....

September 12, 2010

Umm how peculiar?

And you thought you were having a bad day.

Spare a thought for lady snails.

Female snails grow penises on heads is the title and here is the print.

I think my blog just hit the gutter along with this story.

September 11, 2010

Aussie Hugs

Today I'm thinking about my beautiful friends in America.

Today September 11th.

The date needs no explanation.

I still remember the exact moment. Where I was.

What I was doing.

It was all too surreal.

It wasn't my country, but it was my favourite "other country" besides my own...

My love for America was imprinted in my heart when I travelled there several years ago.

There are no words. Really.

God Bless America from an Aussie.....

September 10, 2010

Delicious Dancing

I am a former latin american state champion and ballroom dancer (feel free to say - Farmers Wifey, we didn't know you were so multi talented..).

Because of this, and because of the passion I still have, dance will always be a part of my life.

May I blow my own trumpet for just a bit, because, yes I was good. Damn good. I could have gone all the way, but my dance partner gave up and I discovered boys, pretty much at the same time.

At the moment, I'm trying to negotiate my way around Zumba, trying to make sexy look easy....I'll get back to you on that one....

Please watch the following video until the end....words to describe - awesome, magical, amazing. YOU decide.

September 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Lynda

It's Lynda's birthday today HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNDA.

You may remember my friend Lynda from this blog entry.

Lynda got her own list of followers that day.

The missing blog entry detailed a conversation that Lynda and I had on facebook. You see, Lynda is a wannabe blogger. She won't admit it. She's in DENIAL.

We chat on facebook all the time and usually late at night, and sometimes, we don't know what we are talking about. Well I do, but somewhere along the cyber highway, the words and thoughts get muddled up and when they get to Lynda, they look like this:-

gnowiuy vhgrp93y hg94hf9654 lololol dohy6to vch49uy90hry40y4 fuck, owyt9o5hy4590haha fucking hell.

You see, they are okay when I write them, but then Lynda can't decipher what I'm trying to say. I think she could be drunk at these times....or maybe I am drunk..who knows.

So we had another conversation the other night, and it went like this...oh by the way, when you figure out what we are talking about, email me at because I have no idea.

4.45 pm Lynda
you didnt go to work today did you
4:45pm Me
4:45pm Lynda
oh crap crap crap
soooo sorry
why lol
i left it on my bench at the door at home by mistake and didnt give it another thought...then realised i had left my mobile at home
I'm not in town today though, I'm in tommorrow so its all cool
oh lmao
what u think I work in town lolol
i should of explained better...i meant my work
huh lol
oh YOUR work
no no i know you opening sentence...i was referring to if you went in to my work not your work
haaaaaaaaaa I'm thinking why she want to know if I'm at work and what the hell has that to do with trueblood
anwyays I will put it in my bad tonight so I dont forget it tomorrow
i'll be in tommorrow can u maybe leave it in ur letterbox as I don't come in til 5.30
what?? in a bag
oh ok no probs
u drunk or something...
bit early to get flutty
we are not on the same page this arve are we (Farmers Wifey - well I know what I'm saying)
well I know I'M okay....lmao
lynda pissing herself laughing atm
thanks gotta run and get tea ready
rolling on the floor in fact
so letterbox then
no probs
ok chat later
haaaaaaaaa bye now
just reading
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa can i post it on facebook
fucking funny
it is pretty funny
will I?
i dont mind
its like we were like one step in front of the convo the whole time
can't get it to work, how funny is it,,,,bag, what bag??
antonio or rob??? hbahahahahaha
funny as
i just keep laughing whenever i think of i
bag? in a bag>? are you drunk
haaaa it was funny, I thought doesn't she know I work out of town..
7:23pmLynda is offline.
7:24pmLynda is online.
gotta run, having an early night with a book, so tired today
just another funny conversation to go in the Michelle/Lynda Hall of Fame
you are quiet on the blog front lately
whats the story
just haven't had a chance to update it, must get into it again...
and I wanted to finish my course which i now have done..
ahhh cool well done
ok enjoy your soon
disc is in the letter box

September 5, 2010

ATTENTION husbands/fathers/men in general

Happy Fathers Day!

The Hubbster was most pleased with his cache of gifts, cuddles and school bought treats and trinkets. I love the look on the kids faces when they give him their homemade cards and photo frames...

Fathers Day has made me think about the worldwide phenomenon of the man cave.

Taken indirectly from the wonderful thing that is Wikipedia:-

A man cave (also sometimes Mantuary) is a male sanctuary, such as a specially equiped garage, spare bedroom, media room, den or basement.

A man cave is loosely a male-only space to retreat to watch sports matches, or play video games. (or if you are Australian, drink alot of beer).It is important for a man to have a place to call his own. Some psychologists claim that a man cave can provide refuge from stressful surroundings and be beneficial to marriage

Check out this link for some awesome man caves.

The Hubbster had a man cave at our previous house, before we moved to the farm. It was an awesome room and he loved it so. Here it is:-

I think he now feels a bit misplaced because we are living in the shed and he doesn't have that "place to call his own". Of course he has the two shipping containers full of tools and 75 acres to roam around on and the little room he does his shooting reloading in, which would be the closest thing he has to a man cave.

But it's just not the same.

When The Money Pit is finished, I will have my own "man cave", a separate kid free room (and I am looking forward to it more than the kitchen). I shall decorate it all pretty and girlie like with my scrapbooking, beautiful photos on the wall, my books, shelves full of pretty things......

The Hubbster likes to stir me by saying "that room would be great for me to hang out in". To which I reply:-

No way in hell. Keep on dreaming buddy.

September 4, 2010


The other day I noticed Mr C (aged 7) staring at me intently. I was thinking to myself "he's going to tell me how beautiful and awesome I am".

The convo went like this"

Mr C: Mummy

Farmers Wifey: yes my love

Mr C: what are those things under your eyes?

Farmers Wifey: they're bags honey. They're bags.

September 3, 2010

Zumba Pumba

I've had a very unsatisfying Zumba class today.

I haven't been in two weeks, so today I was looking forward to doing some hip swaying, latin moves, accompanied by some some hip swaying, latin music.

Well my hips were swaying and I worked up a sweat but the instructor was new and it was....just a bit....boring....and unorganised.

And embarassing for her. I did feel sorry for her but for $12.00 I would expect to know less than the person taking the class. In this case, I could have sworn she was looking at me for guidance.

Along with the unsatisfying end result and feeling just that little bit ripped off, I twisted my ankle and strained my already sore back. Was it worth it? Will I go again? Yes/No/Maybe.

September 2, 2010

Today is the first day of Spring, tra-la-la-la-la

Spring has sprung

The grass has ris

I wonder where

The byrdies is...

We have been waiting to say this for months now. It's a tradition for the kids and I to recite this little poem on the first day of Spring, whilst going to school.

Yesterday Mr C tried to say it a day early, much to the disgust of Miss D who tackled him to the ground and gagged him.

So we said it while driving along the dirt road and said adios to winter. (pack your bags buddy, nick off, farewell, and don't come back til next year).

I am so glad Spring is here. For so many reasons. I have been feeling ordinary for a while now.

Up until July 19th, I was happily and nervously pregnant with expectations that did not eventuate. I think I am dealing with my loss in the best way I can.

I'm good on some days, I'm a shitty wreck on others.

Some days I am so tough, I talk myself into being this strong, accepting person, who knows it was just not meant to be.

Other days the ache in my heart makes my eyes sting with tears. I have to bite my lip to stop. And I think "why the fuck......just why?"

A mum came into the office today with a brand newly baked newborn.....I shouldn't have looked but I couldn't resist. She was gorgeous, black hair, pink skin, so tiny and squirming......

I realised how much I want one. I want one but I can't have one. Fuck. It hurts. It's a physical longing I feel for something that isn't meant to be. Because after losing 5, I know.

At least the sun was shining today and it was warm. It is Spring and it is the start of new things. Which is good, because some days I feel like I am walking a tightrope. If I step over just a bit, I will fall into a cavern

So with Spring brings the beginning of new things..of exercise for my mind, body and soul. I feel good when I am fit and right now, I don't feel that way. When I was pregnant *sigh* I actually put on weight. I had a baby belly.

Imagine my surprise (horror) when I clicked on Calorie King with my weight and height and the message said - almost with a snigger......

Your Body Mass Index indicates that you are overweight.

What the fuck????

I weighed myself and I am 70.4 ideal weight is between 47 kg (you've got to be kidding me) and 62 kg. 62 I can live with.

I know I can do it. I did lose weight and was told I was ripped and buffed!! when I became a gym junkie after my 4 miscarriages, 3 years ago. I want to feel like that again. I want the burn. I want to sweat the sadness away. I want that happy feeling.

Fit and healthy = happy =new tattoo. I can live with that.